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Fruit Vendors at Night

Jaffer Hasan

Sometimes at night, I would drive by Clifton or other places and see these fruit vendors, all by themselves. Dimly lit by their one bulb, sitting and waiting for someone to come and buy fruit at night. I always wondered who would buy fruit later that at night—I never found out. I did, however, get an idea to do a series on them, so out I went and looked for areas where many congregated. Towards Saddar, I’d find many of them lined up. Over a course of a few nights, I studied them from my car, trying to hide myself from their view so they would not be alerted to my presence. Then I would drive by and photograph them. As the series took shape, I figured I needed one up-close and personal opportunity as well. Though baffled by why anyone would do this, they happily gave me a more intimate look into their nightlife.


Jaffer Hasan, an American-Pakistani photographer, is known for his work in the fashion world. His photographs have been featured in every major publication in Pakistan, as well as many in the Middle East and Europe. Jaffer’s education has seen him travel the world from Paris to Las Vegas, Seattle and Montreal, moving back to Pakistan only a few years ago to pursue photography. His photographer’s eye found the enigmatic, highly political and dynamic fashion scene, and the violent social-scape of Pakistan worth exploring. Jaffer introduced the concept of backstage photography at Pakistani fashion shows and brought a fresh perspective to fashion shoots. Using the rawness of unscripted moments and shadows to his advantage, he captures the chaos of the backstage world, turning the photographs into magical images which get imprinted on the viewers’ mindscape. He now moves between Pakistan and the Unites States for commissioned projects, specializing in fashion and ‘people’ photography.


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